Sunday, June 3, 2012

Managing Stress

Managing Stress

Stress is often viewed by many people as negative, it is in reality a natural and normal physical response. A stress response is only our bodies capability to defend and protect itself. This “fight-or-flight” response can help us stay energetic, focused and alert. These actions can be valuable. A passing of an important examination, the success of a presentation of a speech, or a performance in front of a live audience can all be in part due to a healthy stress response. On the other hand, too much stress can result in severe damage to a person, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Chronic stress is created when our body is exposed to an uncontrollable amount of physical and emotional threats. Since our body cannot distinguish between extreme or moderate stress triggers, it reacts with the same intensity, despite how major or minor the cause. This means that a long delayed flight or being caught in severe traffic congestion can be the trigger for excessive stress related symptoms (that may feel as intense as a real life-or-death situation). Symptoms may include muscular tension, headaches, tiredness, anxiety, changes in eating habits, mood swings, lack of enthusiasm, and/or stomach upsets.

Everyone has a different tolerance level when it comes to stress. It is important for us to understand our own individual stress level tolerance. Circumstances that influence stress tolerance include: our ability to deal with emotions, our preparation for stress-inducing circumstances, our sense of control, attitude, support network, physical health and nutritional level, fitness level and  sleeping pattern. These factors are what enable us to conserve a sense of calmness while other people feel completely overwrought.

To cope with our stress levels we must study the factors that cause it, it is important for us to observe the ways in which we react to stress, and whether or not our responses need to be changed. Some of us react to stress by clamming up and becoming extremely internally agitated. Others become very outwardly agitated and may become volatile. Some become withdrawn and show hardly any or no emotion at all. Understanding our personal stress triggers and our reaction to these are an important step to facing and coping with negative factors in our lives.

Even though stress can affect you at any time, those persons with fast paced and pressurised working conditions are most prone to the signs and symptoms of stress.  Coping mechanisms for stress whether it be personal or work related may include: avoiding any unnecessary stress, altering your situation or environment, accepting and adapting to your environment, increasing your level of fitness and taking time out for your own leisure and relaxation.  Planning and taking control of your life and deciding whats truly important (and worth stressing over) are essential methods of coping with and combating stress.

Ray Ronson. (c) 2012

Ray is a renowned trainer in Hypnoanalysis/ Hypnotherapy and Hypnotic Techniques visit

for information on coping methods for stress in the South Wales, UK area visit