Anxiety is controlled and monitored by a part of the brain called the Amygdala and is responsible for controlling anxiety levels. These symptoms can be grouped into three categories to describe the different type of symptoms a person experiences.
1. The Psycho Physiological Effect. These are the physical symptoms such as pain in the chest, headaches, skin rashes, pins and needles, tremors, sexual dysfunction, sweating dizziness and giddiness. Reactions experienced at this level are physical reactions to an extreme adrenalin rush caused by the "Fight or Flight Response" which is controlled by the automic nervous system.
2. The Psychological Effect. These include irritability, hyperactivity, insomnia, lack of concentration, obsessive behaviour (O.C.D.) depression, feelings of loss of control, depersonalization and deep feelings of fear. These symptoms often fluctuate reaching their climax during an anxiety or panic attack.
3. The Impersonal Effect. This is the need to socialize with other people in an attempt to calm down or reduce the symptoms of an anxiety or panic attack. This action may result in severe cases of agoraphobia but like most anxiety symptoms these can be overcome with the help of appropriate treatment or therapy.
Many people experience these symptoms of anxiety and while they are occuring sufferers can feel frustrated or helpless and at times extremly frightened.
Symptoms of anxiety and panic are a result of an over protection and self preservation mechanism which resides within us all and causes no real harm, however they can produce a severe negative effect on a person's day to day life to a point where their quality of life is severely affected.
Most important to remember is that symptoms of anxiety and panic are a result of an extreme response of the "Fight or Flight" in an attempt at protection of the symptoms and acting like an over protective defense mechanism inside our brain.
Symptoms of anxiety and panic are only physical or emotional reactions and are not a result of any disease or illness so people may eventually recover or learn methods of reducing these extreme feelings and symptoms to lead a much better quality of life.
A course of Hypnotherapy may be of help to many or most all cases of anxiety and panic. visit Capital Hypnotherapy . email or visit